Community and Family Services
For many families, even with both parents working, it can be tough to make ends meet, especially trying to make meals healthy. We serve approximately 150 families every month, providing them with a few staples and the occasional treat. Please note that appointments are required.
School Programs
Every morning (Monday to Friday), we provide a nutritious breakfast to as many as 40 children at St. James' School. The children are also provided with snacks to keep them going throughout the day. Our Red Cap Anger Management program is geared towards children between the ages of 8 and 12 years old - in partnership with The Salvation Army Thunder Bay Community Church, we have provided this program to hundreds of children - two entire grade three classes just since September 2019 (about 150 children). This program aims to teach children about their emotions and how to manage them appropriately.

Soup Van Feeding Ministries
Every day of the year (even Christmas Day) the soup van goes out to two locations in the city (north and south ward) to feed people who are mainly street-involved, but many are the "Hidden Homeless" - those in temporary accommodations through the kindness of friends and relatives. We provide a hot meal and coffee to approximately 100 people throughout the city. We also keep a supply of warm clothing on hand - coats, sweatpants, socks, and winter wear - to give to people in need.